Articles in this category How do you earn credits? Credits are earned by either viewing other members pages using the surfbar (Surfing) or by referring others as you also get half a credit for each page your referrals surf. How do you earn banner & text link impressions? Banner and text links are earned from one of the following ways: Completing Promo Surf Codes, Clicking on the Hot Spot Ad, Clicking links in promotional / newsletter emails from admin & by taking ... Can credits not be assigned to banner or text links? No, we use credits for page views and impressions for prizes and rewards. Why do you only get half a credit per page surfed? We give half a credit for each page you personally view and the other half to the person who introduced you as a reward for promoting the site. Unlike many TE's we will not jeopardise the delivery rat... Do I not earn commissions here? No, we do not sell anything here so there would be no sales to pay commissions on. Why does my site need to be https:// and not http://? Most sites are https:// now and for that reason we use a https:// surfbar. This means that sites shown in it need to also be secure to display. If a site is not https:// then you will most likely see ... Where can I find Promo Codes? We do not have a set place to find them however we give them away to other owners, have them in certain emails or promotions, hide them on the site and also add them to some promo code sites. How does the site make money if you don't sell anything? We use abandoned credits (When members do not return to assign credits or delete accounts with credits in) as well as on page banners, login ads and promotional emails to promote other peoples sites a... How long is the surf timer? The surf timer is 6 seconds long for all members. Why do we have to auto-assign credits? 100% of credits earned from your surfing has to be auto-assigned to your sites. This is done to make sure that there are enough sites rotating for members to be seen. Credits are not doing anything fo...