
About Us
A Little Bit About Tony Mathews and World Traffic Services LLC

Name: Tony Mathews
Age: 70
Born: Danville, IL USA
Lives: Williamsport, IN USA
Time Online: 13 Years
Vocation: Internet Marketer
Business Name: World Traffic Services LLC

World Traffic Services LLC

Organized in 2018 to bring together the sites owned by myself into one group of businesses. I started with Atlas Safelist and have now expanded to a total of 17 sites to make the network what it is today. I am committed to only bringing you high-quality sites and services for your online marketing needs. Contact our central support desk at any time.

Tony Mathews

I retired from the US Navy as a Chief Petty Officer after 20 years in the Meteorology field. After retirement from the US Navy, I was a long-distance truck driver for 22 years with a safe driving record of over 2 million miles.

In 2012 I started internet marketing part-time with several blogging sites and amazon stores. The growth of these businesses let me transition to internet marketing full-time in 2017. After learning about Viral Safelists and Traffic Exchanges I decided that I would like to be an owner and help other online marketers with their advertising needs. This led to the start of the current network with Atlas Safelist in the spring of 2018. Immediately after the launch of Atlas Safelist, it became evident that I needed to do more. Not many people were joining the site as it looked like a lot of other viral mailers. Below is a timeline of the growth of the business.


I was lucky to find Steve Ayling and his Ready To Go Traffic Site. I contracted with him to upgrade the graphics, and review the site for other changes. Membership then started to increase rapidly and is now over 2500 members.

This then led to more opportunities. In late 2018 Steve contacted me to see if I would be interested in buying two of his sites (Mail Our List and Just Good Traffic). I jumped at the opportunity as both had been around since 2012 and had thousands of members. I saw this as a way to rapidly increase the size of the business.

But I soon realized that I was lacking some service-type sites to give a bit of variety to just Traffic Exchanges and mailers, so next came Bags of Ads, Track My Sites, and Tv Traffic Ads.

IM Digital Training was purchased in July of 2019 to help bring training materials to whoever needed them and give me some products to sell on the back end of the sites.

In November of 2019, I had a chance to acquire 5 more sites when a member approached me as he was downsizing. The memberships were not as large as the last acquisition but included a quality traffic exchange (Surf4quality) and another mailer (Daily Mail Blaster).

In January of 2020, I decided that I really wanted to start my own Mailer that had some extra features and included part of the main business name, Instead of just buying established ones and utilizing everything I learned when I started Altas Safelist. World Traffic Mailer was then formed with a build em feature, a hot spot, and the ability to send out solo mailings.

In February it was decided that now the business had grown into a full-size network of sites I needed a better way to sell and manage the login ads at all the sites. This led to the building of Login Ad Blaster and the ability to let login ads be seen on all the sites at once.

The final piece to the business is coming together now. I started selling a product in February of 2019 named the Ultimate Pass (Lifetime Upgrades). With all the sites pretty much completed it was decided that the pass was so popular that it should have its own website and domain. The Ultimate Upgrade Pass was created and with this business network hub being re-worked my online business is pretty much complete. Now it is time to really build these sites and I hope you join me on my journey.

Thanks for reading

Tony Mathews
